Wednesday 8 June 2022

At The Moment .

 Watching a magpie in a tree doing gymnastics. Warm wind and sunny no rain at the moment . 

Sparrows seem to visit a bit more often. 

Monday 6 June 2022

Cold and Gloomy

 A cold damp gloomy start for June.

Saw two jays  one in a wood the other one came to visit the garden.

Sparrows have decided to visit the garden not seen him for a long time. 

Thursday 26 May 2022

Been A While

 Resident robin has been showing his little family off. Really lovely to see. . Made friends with one of the chimney magpies . It comes to visit often and has a good look in the patio window. 

Weather has been not to bad . Overcast and windy at the moment. My friend the crow comes for a chat every now and again. 

New strimmer and it works beautifully. But the grass needs a cut again . Grew so quick with all the rain we had. 

Monday 18 April 2022


 A walk around the park was very good. Plants , trees , flowers beginning to blossom some were already in blossom. 

Saw a  Canadian geese family mum dad and 2 goslings. Dad had that look on his face you mess with my family I mess with you. 

Birds galore. Plenty of sparrows nice to see. .

Resident starling sitting in its favourite spot in the apple tree having a good look round. Pecking at the apple blossom 

Saturday 16 April 2022

New Resident?

 The starling sat on the same branch in the apple tree and was singing his / her heart out. The sun shining on its feathers making them shimmer was a joy to look at. I think it’s the same starling was has been visiting the apple tree for the past few days . A new resident? Hope so.

Thursday 14 April 2022


 A chat with a magpie very chatty he was. Creamy blossom against the bright blue sky looking like confetti all bunched up. Tulips in the garden with their petals wide open catching the warm sun rays. The beech trees leaves are getting bigger everyday and greener. 

Monday 11 April 2022


 Rain snow sleet all in one day plus sunshine. Grey warm days bitterly cold windy but bright sunshine days. All this greeted the beginning of April.

Rabbits in the field in the late afternoon early evening  , then a fox came along and ignored the rabbits.

A spider web hanging on the patio door handle in the high winds, looking like a miniature  trampoline bouncing up and down constantly. 

Resident robin tends to visit in early morning then again in late afternoon .